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Wild Patagonia – ONLINE MEETING

Have you ever wanted to see penguins and guanacos up close? Have you dreamed of hiking in the glacier-covered mountains of the Torres del Paine of Patagonia or on the shores of the southernmost tip of South America?


Then join Boulder County Audubon on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 to explore the wild places of Patagonia, Chile with Anyll Markevich. Anyll will lead us on a virtual tour of southern Chile and Argentina, where he and his family spent 4 1/2 weeks in 2019, exploring and photographing the wildlife and landscape of the region.

Anyll Markevich is a homeschooled student in Boulder County. Among his interests are wildlife, habitat conservation, and ecosystem restoration. Through Anyll’s participation in the BCAS teen naturalist program, he recently conducted research with Steve Jones in the foothills near Boulder looking into the potential effects of cheatgrass prevalence on the presence and abundance of birds, mammals, and butterflies.

Photos courtesy of Anyll Markevich

When: Tuesday, April 27, 2021. The presentation starting at 7:15 PM. Everyone is encouraged to join early to work through any connection issues (the meeting room will be open at ~7:00 PM).

Where: This meeting will be held online. All participants will be muted upon entry to the meeting room. The chat feature will be on so you can write questions for the speaker.

March 23

Colorado’s Natural Areas Program: highlighting and conserving natural values in Boulder County and across the state – ONLINE MEETING

May 8

Colorado Birding Challenge – A Grassland Bird Conservation Fundraiser