All Boulder County Audubon members are encouraged to participate in BCAS leadership through serving on a committee or nominating one’s self (or another) to the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors provides direction for the Boulder County Audubon Society and directly contributes to many of the ongoing efforts. Officer positions are held for one year and all board of director positions has a term of six years. Elections are held annually during the May program with nominations open two months prior. Anyone can nominate a fellow member or themselves by contacting BCAS.

Virginia Rail. Photo © 2013, Matthew Studebaker

Virginia Rail. Photo © 2013, Matthew Studebaker

President  Carol McCasland
Vice President  Pat Billig
Treasurer  Emil Yappert
Secretary  Skye Newman


  • Ray Bridge

  • Diane Wells

Committees & Coordinators

Volunteers are the heart of BCAS and ensure that the various programs, activities, and forums for avian enthusiasm and conservation in Boulder County continue. If you are interested in joining one of the committees or filling an open Coordinator role, please contact us or fill out our Volunteer Form.


  • Conservation — Ray Bridge
    The Conservation Committee keeps track of bird and wildlife related policies at the local and state level. Where needed, the committee also drafts letters or other statement pieces to be voted on the Board and submitted on behalf of the society.

  • Education — Skye Newman, Diane Wells
    The Education Committee develops and implements nature education programs for youth and teens. For more on these activities, visit the Education section.

  • Field Trips— Diane Wells, Carol McCasland, Ann Tagawa
    The Field Trip Committee contacts potential trip leaders and assists with coordination of the field trips (Diane), Birds & Brews (Ann), and Interludes with Nature (Carol M.) trips. If you are interested in leading a trip, please contact us to get in touch with the committee coordinators.

  • Habitat Heroes– Pam Piombino, Connie Holsinger
    The Habitat Hero Committee coordinates the events and online educational materials around the Boulder County Audubon Habitat Hero Program.

  • Holiday Sale – Positions Open (No 2020 Holiday Sale)
    The Holiday Sale Committee works to put on the annual holiday sale, an important annual event for BCAS.

  • Programs — Carol Kampert, Carron Meaney
    The Programs Committee schedules the speakers at our monthly programs from September through May. Additionally, members of the committee assist with set up and clean-up of the programs. If you are interested in presenting at a BCAS program or have a recommendation for someone to present, please contact us.

  • Social Engagement — Skye Newman, Carol McCasland, Megan Jones Patterson, Kevin Smith
    The Social Engagement Committee works to ensure BCAS has an active public presence so that current and potential users can get the information they need about BCAS and our mission. The committee focuses on online media, including the BCAS website, social media accounts, and local listservs. If you find incorrect information or want other information on the website or other media platforms, please contact us.


  • BCAS Email — Carol McCasland, Pam Piombino
    The BCAS Email Coordinator manages the BCAS email accounts. The coordinator ensures all emails are answered or distributed to the correct contact person.

  • Bluebird Trail — Bob Parker
    The Bluebird Trail Coordinator works with Boulder County Parks and Open Space staff to organize volunteer monitors for the county’s bluebird trail boxes. Coordinates with volunteer monitors to ensure the trails, including OSMP’s Bluebird Trail, are monitored and the nesting results reported. The coordinator also provides the data to NestWatch and reports seasonal results to the OSMP biologist staff and to BCAS.

  • Christmas Bird Count — Bill Schmoker
    Coordinates the annual Boulder County Christmas Bird Count. If December birding isn’t your idea of fun, remember that individuals are also needed to help with the compilation dinner at the end of the day.

  • Membership — Pat Billig
    The Membership Coordinator manages all aspect of the BCAS membership and keeping contact lists updated.

  • Nature-Net Moderator — Scott Severs
    The Nature-Net Moderator oversees the administration of Nature-Net and, if necessary, reminds posters of the norms of the discussion groups.

  • Newsletter Editor — Megan Jones Patterson
    The Newsletter Editor produces the quarterly newsletter On The Wing. If you have an article you’d like to contribute to the newsletter, please contact us about submission guidelines.

  • Volunteer – Emil Yappert
    Coordinates volunteer opportunities.